User and organization administration
As a Root user, you can access a comprehensive overview of the users, workspaces, and organizations in the system from the Admin panel. See Admin panel to learn how to add root users to your account.
The Admin panel menu entry will only be accessible in the user top-right menu if you are logged in as a Root user. This role should only be assigned to a system administrator, since it enables several high level and potentially risky operations.
User administration
The User administration page lists all the users in the Tower database. From this page, you can:
Search users
The user search function allows you to find a specific user by name or email and perform various operations with that user.
Create a user
The Add user button above the table allows you to create a new user. If the new user email already exists in the system, the user creation will fail. Once the new user has been created, inform them that access has been granted.
Edit a user
By selecting a username from the table, you can edit the user's details, or delete the user.